Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Happy September!

1. Mood: It's SO hot here in L.A. And before anyone waves the "I live in Vegas and it's way hotter" flag, might I mention that in Vegas, it's a dry heat. The humidity here, mixed with the pollution, makes it atrocious.100 degrees in Las Vegas feels like 85 degrees here. My makeup and hair are melting. My thighs are stuck to every chair and the leather seats in my car are burning my ass. The air is thick with smog and oven-like heat. My deoderant stops working sometime around 11:00am and my feet start sliding around in my sandals from sweating. By the time I come home, my forehead and nose are so shiny I could signal planes to land in our backyard. GROSS

2. Which lip colors do you wear least often and why? Let's talk about dark brown lipsticks. I don't even like them on darker-skinned girls. When doing my clients' makeup, regardless of their skin tone, I'll pick a berry/plum or burgandy shade over blah poo-poo brown. Seriously...SO pointless. It makes people's teeth look yellow too.
Let's face looks like someone smeared.....dirt... on her mouth.

3. What’s one thing you do to simplify your morning routine? I skip the eyeshadow. Eyeshadows (the blending, the layering) takes the longest for me to do, so simply swiping on a waterproof liner, mascara and eye primer to smooth out my eyelid does the trick.

No eyeshadow here

4. When was the last time you groomed your brows? It feels like I groom them every other day. My eyebrows are a growing machine. They crank out long, black, coarse Armenian hairs that take up about half my lifetime to groom. Realistically, I would say that I "groom" them once a week, but pluck them every other day. I long for the days when I am old and gray! Maybe then these crazy brows will stop growing so fast! They'll probably just be super thick and gray, inside of super thick and black. Great.

My eyebrows have been every shape and size throughout the years.

5. The last thing you treated yourself to? This amazing gelato shop near my home created a Nutella flavor of gelato. I'm there about twice a week scarfing it down. No shame. It's worth it.

Yes, those are Nutella streaks on the gelato. I live for this!

6. Something that recently surprised you about yourself? Throughout the wedding planning process, I've realized that I'm a very controlling person. I'd much rather pile on too much than delegate what needs to be done. I just need to chillax a little.

Anxiety City

7. S’mores? Yes please! I actually just made some the other day. I call them City Smores. I spear a marshmallow with a fork and burn it on my gas stove. Then I smash it down in between some graham crackers and Hershey's chocolate blocks and enjoy. MMmmmmmmmmm. Again, no shame.

How cool is this little smores maker?!

8. What’s one good thing that happened to you this weekend? I got my wedding dress and booked a venue! We hosted a "Meet the Parents" night too and all went well. Here's a pic of some of the Armenian engagement candy that is customary to bring to the bride's house that my mom gave us:

 9. If you could star on a reality TV show, which one would would it be? While we are on an Armenian note, I would star on the Kardashians' show. I would teach them how to speak Armenian and teach those spoiled fame whores to give back to the motherland. There are starving orphans and villages in Armenia that could really use some of their millions.

10. Weekly goals: Book our church for the wedding, swing by a MAC store to pick up some supplies for my appointments this weekend, order my hair brooch and make it to the gym at least once!

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