Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Happy August 10!

1. Mood: Overwhelmed. I have a terrible headache and my chest feels tight. I'm drowning in wedding planning and I totally hate it. No wonder people elope!

2. Favorite Summer hairstyle? I've been doing a french braid on one side of my head and bringing it around to the other side, then doing one long braid. It looks cute messy and stays put all day.

3. How often do you exfoliate? Daily. But I use different levels of exfoliants. I switch between a gentle one like St. Ives Apricot Scrub to deeper-clean ones Lush's Dark Angels and Fresh's Sugar Face Polish .

4. Do you enjoy cleaning? Oh yes. Especially if I have a lot on my mind.

I literally clean the entire house with these Swiffer dry cloths. They work wonders, especially if you have a ton of dust and allergens in your home!

5. One of your weird quirks? Well, according to my fiance, he thinks it's quirky that I scramble eggs in the frying pan, as opposed to scrambling them before in a cup, then pouring them in. lol

I mean...they still taste great.

6. One of your oldest pieces of jewelry? Probably my grandma's Cartier bracelet and matching ring. She gave them to me as a graduation present when I completed college. I'd say they are about 25 years old, at least. I don't have a photo of them,  but trust me...they are amaze-balls!

7. Are you a card shark? No. But I am a drinking game-shark. Ha!

Beer pong, anyone?

8. Would you ever get a tattoo of your pet? This one's a toughie. I've already considered getting Cappy's portrait, name or paws tattooed on me. The only thing is, I've had many pets growing up and they all meant something to me. And I am sure I will have lots more in the future. So do I get tattoos of everyone's paws on me? I have to say though, that I share a very special connection to my current bundle of fur, and perhaps will get a tattoo should the day that he leaves us for Heaven ever arrive (ugh, I can't even think about that!)
My little angel... how I adore him!

9. Eyes/lips/cheeks? Eyes: Tarina Tarantino's Gold Sparkalicity powder with Lime Crime's Eyeshadow Helper underneath. Lips: Fresh's Sugar balm in their new color, Honey, with Chanel's Scintillantes Gloss in #118 (a gorgeous pinky gold). Cheeks: Desirious blush by MAC with a tinge of the Gold Sparkalicity on top. I'm literally glowing from eyebrow to lip. 

10. Weekly goals: Try to keep a calm head when it comes to wedding planning. Instead of racking my brain, I need to give my worries to God and let the solution come to me when His will allows it. I want to give 100% to my job as well as keep up on my blog and Youtube Channel, which I neglected this past week. 

Please. Like that's gonna happen...

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